
Core Functionalities

The Royalty Fee Contract handles the setup, modification, and distribution of royalties settings. It also handles the fee calculation for other fees, such as post creation and update, or profile creation and update.

  1. Setup of Royalty Fee: A user who creates a post can optionally specify royalty receivers in the contract by specifying the royalty receiver profile number, royalty percentage, and the expiry date. When another user tips the Post, the Infra fee and the Application fee are first deducted from the tip, and the remainder is split between the royalty receiver and the owner of the post.

  2. Modification of Royalty Fee: The creator and owner (need to fulfill both requirements) of the Post can set additional profiles to be royalty receivers. However, once set, the royalty fee setting of a particular user can not be changed.

  3. Distribution of Royalty Fee: Users will call a function in this contract for giving tips to a particular post or profile. The fee will be calculated and distributed here.

  4. Distribution of Other Fees: Other fees such as post creation and modification, or profile creation and modification are calculated and distributed in this contract. For instance, when the functions are called in the Post contract, the fee receiver modifier will call the Royalty Fee Contract for fee calculation and distribution.

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